Tank Cooling Solutions
Immersion Tank Chiller (BITC)
By installing an Aqua Cool tank chiller, you can enjoy the comfort of cool running water from every water source in your home. Made from the highest quality materials and engineered for efficient design, Blue Star Aqua Cool is just what you need for a pleasant summer at home. A plug-and-forget solution, it comes fully equipped with all the required measures for a safe and reliable operation. Attached to the main reservoir, it continuously cools water and maintains it at 28°C to 30°C. This cooled water is then supplied to different outlets for various applications, whenever required.
Available In
Cote D Ivoire
- Energy-efficient operation
- Wide range suitable capacity of up to 1500 US gallon tanks
- Microprocessor base controller with LCD for precise control
- Easy for installation and maintenance
- Totally Enclosed Air Over (TEAO); thermally protected motors
- Safe, hygienic cool water even at high ambient temperatures
- Weatherproof, polyester powder-coated cabinet suitable for outdoor application
- Safety features such as LP cut-out, mid-coil sensor and float switch
- Compatible for all types of tanks